Every Shop and commercial establishment conducting a business in a state needs to register with the state government under Shop act before commencing a business.An inspector appointed by the labour department of the state will check the necessary conditions under the act and then issue a certificate of Shop act registration to the employer which has to be displayed in the Shop. It is also called as shop act licence.Department of Labour of state government handles all the registrations under this act.
Whom Shop Act Application is Applicable?
Shops Act Application is mandatory in some cases for businesses, as long as they qualify as an “Establishment” under the Shops and Establishment Act. So if you run a business in Maharashtra, you need to obtain Shop Act License under Bombay Shops and Establishments Act, 2018.
Benefits you will get If you Register Your shop Under Shop and Establishment Act:
If You Register Your Shop Under Shop and Establishment Act, then on the basis of Shop Act License You can easily Open A current Account In Bank, There will be less Legal Compliance that you Need to follow and Shop and Establishment License is compulsory to be displayed at all Shops.
What Is Intimation Receipt?
The employer of every establishment engaging less than ten workers shall submit an online intimation of commencement of the business along with the required documents. After receiving an Information along with all the documents, a receipt of such intimation in Form ‘G’ shall be issued to the applicant online
Procedure for getting ShopAct certificate in digitalcenter portal with 4 easy steps
- Step1. login to digitalcenter.co.in
- Step2. click on add new ShopAct fill up the all details and upload all essential documents with self attested then click on submit button
- Step3. Once form has submitted , Our Team will get in touch with customer for getting email and mobile verification .
- step4. After verification , You can download ShopAct Certificate from digitalcenter.co.in